Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh State has 3828 Villages. A Panchayat Consists of 5 or 7 Villages. 100% people belong to BPL in rural area of chittoor district where people mostly live as agricultural works and agricultural laborers and migrant laborers. There are no industries in this area. Here people (farmers) grow crops in their agricultural lands send them to the near town. The rains in this area are very low and the water in the water in the well's in the agriculture land is limited, Here Vegetables and milk are going to the near town every day bu the people of these villages have no health Skill development.
People in Villages are drinking hand bore water and well water, water is supplied to the villages from the water bores established by the government in each villages, if they test the water they drink, the salt content in that water is high and if you look at the water well and government bore water it is red in color the water from the government bore is used for household purpose. Hand bore water and well water are used for cooking and drinking. This hand bore water smells like iron. Some people bring water from the farm wells on the sides of the villages to their homes and drink that water.. There are various the different types of in salts, the frogs, various worms and snakes in that well water by they are drinking that water because there is no way.
Well water by hand bore water but if stored in a cap but in a glass for a few days. The water stored in the cup but in the glass will become a kind of curd. If this water is used in the washing machine, The water pipe to the washing machine will get blocked even if this water is daugerous peaple are drinking in the villages. People in the town of water from the R.O clean water plant for 10 Rupees . Now the pelople in the villages are not getting clean water. People living in village Sulter from diseases more than people living in Cities.
It we go to Villages and look at them they are suppering from various diseases. them they are suffering from various diseases. The reason for these dises diseases in the lack of clean drinking water. If they go to the nearest hospital with illness the doctor will ask them to drink boiled water, many people sutter here because of lack of immunity. Due to drinking this water many people are suffering from fever, Yellowing of teeth, thinning of legs and arms, kidney diseases, till now no politicians no people of the villages have taken notice of the situation. These politicians come and go to villages area in 5 years for votes.
Rural Physically Handicapped Centre for Rehabilitation has decided to provide RO Clean Plants to 3828 villages of chittoor district, Through of CSR2life Project and Sending Project Proposals.
Project - Implementation
Rural Physically Handicapped Centre for Rehabilitation the Organization has decided to set up RO clean water plants in 3828 villages in chittoor district. To this project we will divide 3828 village in to 5 units and make 765 Villages per unit and appoint one project officer per unit and 4 members communiti coordinators will be appointed per unit 3828 villages 5 members project officers and 20 members community co ordinators will be required to do this project. RO clean water plants will be set in 765 villages in year. RO clean water plants will be set in 255 village in one year. 21 Villages will be set in one unit in one month 21 Villages will be set in 255 villages in one year. 21 Villages will be set in one unit in one month. One community co-ordinator will be appointed for 5 villages to set up RO clean water plant. One unit sill responsible for 21 villages under the work project officer. To establish RO clean water in the villages orranged a meeting with the people in each village and inform them about this project. According to their decision RO clean water plant Room will be constructed on the land shown by the people of the land under the village.
The project officer will take the permission of the district collector and the area mandal Revenue officer to set up RO clean water plants in the village. One unit needs two Tractors to bring white stones bricks, Sand, Cement and water to construct RO clean water Rooms in Villages. 10 Tractors are Required for unit of this methods, It takes 8 to 10 days to build a Room near the bore pipe in the village to set RO clean water in the village. The construction of these Rooms will be done. Under the supervision of the community coordinators. In one month the construction of 45 Rooms will be completed in one unit.
Ro Clean water plants are manufactured in Bangalore Factory. Bangalore is 180 kilometers from Chittoor from this factory. We will take it to the rural area of chittoor district. in one month we will provide water connection form village Bore pipe to RO clean water plants in villages in a month, in this month we will set RO clean water plant with 1000 liters capacity for villages with Population of 2000.
RO clean water plant cleans 1000 liters of water per hour. RO clean water plants established in Rural Physically Handicapped Centre for Rehabilitation. Villages are managed by the villagers from this RO clean water plants the villagers get clean water for free. In this way we will set up RO clean water plants in 3828 villages in the district in 3 years people of different ages in a family use this water.
Every monday Rural Physically handicapped Center for Rehabilitation will monitor this project with project officers and community coordinators, we will complete the project in 3 years as per the organization project guidelines.
Benefits of the Project to the People