Humans are forgetting humanity, in the ancient myth it is said that monkeys belong to Sri Hanuman clan. It is said in an ancient legend that these Monkeys have been living since the time of lord Sri Rama. These monkeys are worshiped as Sri Anjaneya Swamy. We know in an ancient legend that these Monkeys helped Sri Rama in his war, an ancient legend has it that if you help the monkeys you will get a peaceful life. But the situation of changing of time. If we go to the villages and investigate, we will know the way of life of the people.
Rainfall in this area is very low and there are forests in this area but very little. A variety of animals live in this forest. Groups of monkeys also live in it. As the Rains are loss in this area the water in the pets in the forest has Monty dried up. Groups of monkeys do not venture in to the forest to drink water. They are not getting food to eat. most of the fruits trees are water logged or dry. Either food or water or some monkeys died. Groups of Monkeys were coming and going to the villages for food, if you go to every villages. You will see monkeys on the trees on the houses in that villages. In this way the monkeys are spread over the enter rural areas of the district. In a village 10 to 15 Monkeys from groups and live in villages.
People are not giving food to the monkeys that came into the village. They forced their way in to the houses of the village for food and ate the food that was not taken. Monkeys are destroying crops grown by farmers for food. Because of these monkeys many farmers in the village stopped farming their binds. Because of these monkeys. Many farmers have their village and migrate to neighboring states for labor works. Some farmers secretly killed monkeys because they are destroying their crops. Some monkeys are being killed by street dogs in the village and some monkeys are dying due to electric wires in the village. Because of these monkeys. The farmers are unable to grow crops on their lands. Rural Physically Handicapped Centre for Rehabilitation has asked the farmers in many villages that they are unable to do any crops due to this groups of monkeys. If crops are grown after borrowing. These groups of monkeys eat the crops completely and destroy them. The farmers of the villages said that they stopped doing agriculture because of these monkeys. Because of these monkeys the village are not economically development. Many farmers in very village are losing due to monkeys. These groups of monkeys are present in every village of the district. According to a survey conducted by the Rural Physically Handicapped Centre for Rehabilitation the Numbers of groups of monkeys residing in the villages of Chittoor district in estimated to be around 10000.
Rural Physically Handicapped Centre for Rehabilitation meeting held on 23/06/2024 in this meeting the Rural Physically Handicapped Centre for Rehabilitation has decided to provides Rehabilitation to groups of 6000 Monkeys in a peried of 3 years.
Rural Physically Handicapped Centre for Rehabilitation Required I project officer 3 community coordinators to carry out Rehabilitation project for Monkeys. I Project Vehicle for this program. 3 Scooters and 2 Tractors Trolley and water Tanks required.
10 Acres of Land is required in the forest for Rehabilitation of Monkeys. For this land place there is a forest near Palamaner town in Chittoor district i.e. 7. k.m. way we will lake permission from the chittoor district collector and the District forest officer for Rehabilitation of 10 acres of Land in that forest.
We will construct 2 shades of 300 feet length has been approved by the government the cost of setting up these shades will be 10 Lakh rupees. We will setup cement water tanks of 3000 litters next to these shades. The cost of setting up this water ltank will be 2 lakh Rupees. The rain water from the roof of three shades comes in to the cement water tanks below and we build cement water tanks separately, construction of cement water tank to build 2 shades to come for day water rehabilitation, 2 Tractors 2 water tankers 2 trolleys are required to bring monkeys from villages to provide water to fruits trees for rehabilitation which we have entered in the budget.
Electricity is Required for welding for construction of 2 shades for Rehabilitation. As there is no Electricity and this has also been included in the budget.
After setting up the monkeys Rehabilitation in the forest. The employees appointed by the Rural Physically Handicapped Centre for Rehabilitation hokd villages meeting near the people and farmers and from those who have experience in catching Monkeys with the help of a Tractor. They come to the Rural Physically Handicapped Centre for Rehabilitation and give ready made rice and fruits as food to the monkeys. We take 300 to 400 monkeys for Rehabilitation in a month and accustom them to live in Rehabilitation. following this budget we will provide Rehabilitation to 6000 Monkeys in 3 years.
We grow about 5000 different types of fruits trees to feed the monkeys in the forest. 10 people are required to serve in these trees conservation and monkeys Rehabilitation who will serve for 3 years. By the time the project is completed. The monkeys will get food from the fruits trees and get used to the fruits and then go into the village and disturb the people and the farmers.
Farmers crops will not be destroyed by these monkeys.
Monkeys get Relief from hunger pangs
Our peace of mind will be disturbed by serving monkeys.
Monkey groups Rehabilitation 4500000 farmers will be benefited by this project.
Due to the Rehabilitation of this groups of monkeys project the farmers who migrated will come back to their villages.
The fruits planted by the Rural Physically Handicapped Centre for Rehabilitation organization in the forest for the monkeys will get used to the fruits trees.
The groups of monkeys will not go to the villages yet.
These groups of monkeys are still bothering the people in the village.
In the forest 5000 fruits trees are planted for the monkeys because of the good number of rains.
This project will benefit 6000 monkeys.
Villages will develop due to Rehabilitation of monkeys of groups.
Villages have a green environment with crops.
Farmers still grow crops with heart power.
This project will generate employment for up to 50 people and their family members will benifit.