Awarded the Indian Achievers' Award for Promising Startup in recognition of Outstanding Professional Achievement and Contribution in Nation Building.
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Project Information

#ID: AA000036

  • Madurai, 625532
Reg. No.: CSR00048786

Documents Provided:

  • PAN Card
  • Cancelled Cheque
  • FCRA Registration Certificate
  • 80G Registration Certificate
  • Detailed Quotation
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... Health Care and Health Awareness
  • Estimated Project Cost:  3000000
  • Estimated Fund Requirement:   3000000
  • Project Focus:   Others - Healthcare


Now-a day’s Medical field becomes one of the serious businesses and there are growing needs for health clinics even in the small villages. The usage of home remedies becomes less due to the deterioration of joint family system and developing modern life style. The rural poor used to spend more than half of their earnings to the health needs of the family. The changes of the cropping pattern from food crops to cash crops also plays major role in the health conditions of these rural families. 

The project wanted to create awareness to grow greens, fruit trees and medicinal plants as kitchen gardens and educate rural community on the importance of improving the immunity to face all health issues. The project also interested to educate on the usage of medicinal plants to cure simple health issues as home remedies.

When we implement the planned project, the nursery will not only give regular employment to women involved in the project but also fulfill the needs of larger farming communities by supplying of various tree plants like wood, ornamentals, vegetables, greens and medicinal plants etc., Moreover it improves the environmental conditions of the project area; which ultimately helps to get more rains by which the overall agricultural production, employment opportunity and livelihood of the community become improved in the later stage. 

Production of plants, Training the children and rural women, free distribution of seedlings, supply of necessary advice for growth and feedback survey are some of the major activities under this project.