Awarded the Indian Achievers' Award for Promising Startup in recognition of Outstanding Professional Achievement and Contribution in Nation Building.
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Corporate or NGO

Procedure for CA Firm Empanelment

Create Sign up

  • Enter following details
    • Firm Registration Number of ICAI (FRN)
    • Authorized Email Id
    • Create Password
  • Activate Account by through link send in E-mail provided at the time of sign up.
  • Login through User Id and Password
  • After login Empanelment Application Form shall open
  • Provide all necessary information in Application Form.
  • Check that all information is correctly entered.
  • Click on Submit Button. Application once submitted cannot be modified.
  • An Email Acknowledging Receipt of Empanelment Application containing Acknowledgement Number shall be sent on Registered Email Id.
  • CA Firm can login anytime to view submitted application.
  • Quote Acknowledgement Number for correspondence with CSR2life.